COVID-19 Update
Message from Sherry Wheelock CEO & President, posted August 19, 2020.
As global leaders for inclusive health, Special Olympics Florida is committed to providing programming that supports the health, safety, well-being and engagement of our community.
Since postponing our training and competition due to COVID-19, we have been working diligently to develop new safety protocols, guidelines and requirements that will help create a safe return to the playing field for everyone.
As part of the transition to in-person activities, we have begun introducing the new protocols to all coaches, staff and volunteers. With these – and other new procedures in place – training for the individual sports of golf and tennis will begin in September 2020. Training for both sports will be modified to help our athletes and coaches adapt to the new guidelines, as well as ensure safety.
Additionally, as our virtual programming continues to be very successful, we will launch three new virtual courses in September: Couch to 5k, Home Fitness and Virtual Miles, as well as a virtual e-gaming experience.
While we work to adapt our sports training programs, we highly recommend that athletes who are considered at higher risk for COVID-19 not participate in any in-person activities at this time, but continue to stay connected via our virtual programs. Information for individuals who might be at higher risk for COVID-19 can be found here.
The health and safety of our athletes will always be our top priority.
We look forward to training, competing and celebrating together soon.
Tips to Stay Active
- Exercise at home (30 minutes each day). Join our Fit and Well Facebook Group
- Endurance, strength, flexibility and balance exercises (review the Fit5 guide for ideas)
- To maintain fitness levels, challenge yourself (example: walk for one minute, run for one minute or jog for one minute, sprint for 30 seconds, repeat)
Eat healthy
- Eat well-balanced meals. Half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables and half should be lean protein, whole grains and dairy
- Eat healthy snacks like apples and peanut butter, low-fat yogurt with berries, carrots and celery with hummus, small handful of almonds
Stay hydrated
- Drink at least 5 bottles of water at day (80 ounces or more)
Illness Prevention
Things to keep in mind:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid contact with people who are sick
- Stay home if you don’t feel good
- Get plenty of sleep
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue
- Clean and disinfect touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
Additional Resources