Use this warm up before each workout (40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of rest)
Workout # 1 is Cardio & Abs, Workout 2 is Full Body and Workout 3 is 10-1. Workout 1 and 2 will have 1 minute of work for each exercise with a 2 minute rest, after which you will complete the assigned reps for the final 3 exercises, rest for 1 minute and that will complete 1 round. You will complete 3 total rounds
Workout # 1 is Cardio & Abs
Workout #2 is Full Body
Workout # 3 in Weeks 5 & 6 is 10 -1
Workout # 3 in Week 7 is another Time Trial! During this workout you are going to see how many reps you can do in the allotted time. You will be completing 5 exercises for 4 rounds. In each round you will see how many reps of the exercise you can complete in 1 minute before moving on to the next one. After completing one round you will take note of your numbers and rest 1-2 min before completing 3 additional rounds