Going for Gold at the World Winter Games

Broward County athlete Kellie Matthew headed to Italy this week to compete in the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin!
Wednesday, Kellie joined other members of Special Olympics USA in New
York for a sendoff celebration complete with a welcome dinner and silent
dance party. A longtime Special Olympics Florida athlete, Kellie will
compete in Alpine skiing.
a world-class skier while living in steamy South Florida takes
determination and imagination. Special Olympics Florida coaches have devised some pretty
ingenious techniques to help their athletes master the sport. Athletes
first learn how to use ski equipment – boots, skis, poles, etc. Then
they’re taught how to fall properly. Coaches then set up “slopes” using
black plastic soaked with water and liquid dish detergent. Athletes
glide down the slopes maneuvering through cones. It’s all surprisingly
World Winter Games take place from March 8 through March 16 and will
feature more than 1,500 athletes from 100 countries. Way to go Kellie!
You can read more about her journey in this story by ESPN.