Miami School Named National Banner School

Southwest Miami Senior High School kicked off the new year in a big way, celebrating its designation as an ESPN Unified Champion National Banner School!

The event featured a school-wide pep rally, a DJ and dance party, and an appearance by ESPN’s Marcel Louis-Jacques.

The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools program uses sports and other activities to bring together students with and without intellectual disabilities. The goal is to promote inclusion and respect for everyone. The National Banner award recognizes schools which have met national standards and created a comprehensive program to foster an environment where students of all abilities are accepted and included.

"Seven years ago, we dreamed of creating a magical space at Southwest Miami Senior High School, where true inclusion would leave lasting memories,” said Kaitlyn Casanas, a Special Education Facilitator at Southwest Miami Senior High School and one of the effort’s leaders. “Our Special Olympics Unified program did just that, transforming the lives of our students and inspiring those who witnessed it. Together, we can build a more inclusive world, filled with love, unity, and community."

“We are incredibly proud of the students, faculty, and staff at Southwest Miami Senior High School,” said Special Olympics Florida President and CEO Sherry Wheelock. “Being recognized as an ESPN Unified Champion School National Banner Award winner is a tremendous achievement. It demonstrates the school’s commitment to fostering an environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect - where everyone is given opportunities to thrive.”

Congratulations to Southwest Miami Senior High!